Prostitute brigitte

brigitte +52(564)5930-039
brigitte +52(564)5930-039
brigitte +52(564)5930-039
brigitte +52(564)5930-039
brigitte +52(564)5930-039
Price per hour: 1600 MXN
Price for 2 hours: 3200 MXN
Price per night: negotiable
Age: 22
Height: 163
Weight: 50
Chest: 1 (A)
Hair color: Brunette
Ethnicity: Latina
About my

Hola me llamo elsi excelente trato delgada guapa
trato vip

sumamente caliente buena onda

te llevare al cielo de tanto placer

tengo promocion pregunta

oral exquisisto

vaginal en las poses que quieras

un rico cachondeo

trato realmente de novios soy muy besucona cariñosa



Extra data

Waist 60
Hips 60
Languages English, Spanish,
Service area Departure to the client


Profile rating: Prostitute brigitte, +52(564)5930-039, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO 5 (4 Estimates)


Prostitute brigitte, +52(564)5930-039, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO Date: 23.10.2024
te debia la buen recomendacion ers hrmosa

Prostitute brigitte, +52(564)5930-039, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO Date: 23.10.2024
te debia la buen recomendacion ers hrmosa

Prostitute brigitte, +52(564)5930-039, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO Date: 07.12.2024
buena experiencia llego la chica que speraba excelente trato

Prostitute brigitte, +52(564)5930-039, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO Date: 12.12.2024
me encanto estar contigo gracias por tu compa{ia

Name: *

Rating: *


Code in the picture:

* Required field

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