Prostitute LISBOA

LISBOA +52(555)4030-321
LISBOA +52(555)4030-321
LISBOA +52(555)4030-321
LISBOA +52(555)4030-321
Price per hour: 1500 MXN
Price for 2 hours: negotiable
Price per night: negotiable
Age: 23
Height: 168
Weight: 61
Chest: 3 (C)
Hair color: Brunette
Ethnicity: Latina
About my

Imagina tener todo este cuerpecito bien mojadito sobre ti, dejate consentir y siente el verdadero placer, tengo todo RICO Y en su lugar, escuchame gemir y siente como me MOJO, no lo pienses mas y marcame o mandame un mensajito
Te espero amor



Extra data

user iconDistrict Cuauhtemoc
user iconWaist 65
user iconHips 65
user iconLanguages Spanish,
user iconService area Departure to the client

user iconServices

user iconProfile rating: Prostitute LISBOA, +52(555)4030-321, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO star rating 4star rating 4star rating 4star rating 2star rating 0 3.7 (3 Estimates)


Prostitute LISBOA, +52(555)4030-321, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO Date: 20.12.2024
100% recomendable. Increíblemente hermosa

Prostitute LISBOA, +52(555)4030-321, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO Date: 12.02.2025
100% recomendable Hermosa mujer.

Prostitute LISBOA, +52(555)4030-321, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO Date: 11.03.2025
Ya esta muy grande por eso cobra barato

Name: *

Rating: *


Code in the picture:

* Required field

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