Prostitute Regina

Regina +52(561)9394-480
Regina +52(561)9394-480
Regina +52(561)9394-480
Regina +52(561)9394-480
Regina +52(561)9394-480
Regina +52(561)9394-480
Regina +52(561)9394-480
Price per hour: 2000 MXN
Price for 2 hours: negotiable
Price per night: negotiable
Age: 24
Height: 162
Weight: 50
Chest: 2 (B)
Hair color: Brunette
Ethnicity: Latina
About my

Soy la escort y modelo perfecta si buscas una chica joven, delgadita, de cuerpo natural, tipo petite y lo que quieres es desahogar todo el estres diario y estas deseoso de una chica que no solo te consienta, si no que te de un verdadero trato girlfriendexperiencie.

user iconProfile rating: Prostitute Regina, +52(561)9394-480, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO star rating 4star rating 4star rating 4star rating 2star rating 0 3.7 (3 Estimates)


Prostitute Regina, +52(561)9394-480, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO Date: 30.08.2024
She is very pretty, she is white and she has beautiful eyes and she has delicious and rich tits and her buttocks and her legs I love, I will repeat many times with her

Prostitute Regina, +52(561)9394-480, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO Date: 01.09.2024
Excelente atencion; atenta, puntual y muy profesional!

Prostitute Regina, +52(561)9394-480, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO Date: 06.02.2025
Es falso, mandan a cualquier gata de la merced

Name: *

Rating: *


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