Prostitute Ximena

Ximena +52(553)7243-361
Ximena +52(553)7243-361
Ximena +52(553)7243-361
Ximena +52(553)7243-361
Ximena +52(553)7243-361
Ximena +52(553)7243-361
Ximena +52(553)7243-361
Ximena +52(553)7243-361
Price per hour: 1800 MXN
Price for 2 hours: 3200 MXN
Price per night: negotiable
Age: 26
Height: 162
Weight: 57
Chest: 5 (DD)
Hair color: Brunette
Ethnicity: Latina
About my

Guapo estoy lista para ti para consentirte y tratarte como un rey complacerte en todo en la cama y hacer cosas deliciosas el oral bien ensalivado es mi especialidad...



Extra data

user iconDistrict La Condesa
user iconWaist 68
user iconHips 68
user iconLanguages Spanish,
user iconService area Departure to the client

user iconServices

user iconProfile rating: Prostitute Ximena, +52(553)7243-361, Mexico City on MX.PANDER.PRO star rating 0star rating 0star rating 0star rating 0star rating 0 0 (0 Estimates)


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PANDER SL, Fuente Bella 3299, Rincon del Pedregal, Mexico City Ciudad De Mexico 14130, Mexico